Concentrated cleaning-washing product, designed for thorough cleaning storngly polluted leather surfaces.
Removes old and fresh dirt, including those of organic origin.
Harmless to cleaned leather, slows down renewed dirt settling process and leaves a long-lasting and fresh aroma.
- grain leather, patent leather (natural and artificial)
- leather upholstering
- upholstered furniture
- leather seats, couches etc.
- footwear, bags, clothes
Read product’s safety data sheet before using.
Make a 10% solution (100 ml / 1 l of water).
Spray the surface of the brush (with natural horsehair) and gently scrub leather with it.
Wait about 15-20 seconds and collect the dirt with clean cloth made from delicate fiber.
Wipe the surface until it is dry.
Warning: Do not use on suede, nubuck or oiled leather surfaces.