Gran Qat GT
Current cleaning and disinfection – neutral
A ready-to-use neutral detergent for regular cleaning and disinfecting all hard surfaces including food contact surfaces. Dermatologically tested. Tested to PN-EN 1276, PN-EN 1650, PN-EN 13697. The biocidal product authorisation No 4752/12.
Designation;kitchen furniture, shelves, tables, cash desks, tops, counters, machinery and equipment in the food industry having direct contact with food (Slicers, meat grinding machine ect. ) refrigerators, freezers of cold shelves, glass and glass surface
Method of use:always read and follow label directions; disinfection - use water at a temperature of 20°C; killing bacteria- allow 5 minutes contact time;killing fungi - allow 15 minutes contact time; food contact surfaces must be rinsed with clean water; wipe dry.