Innovative long-lasting paint protection defined by ultimate hardness of titanium particles. Its maximum efficiency is achieved by applying an activator together with coating. The coating provides outstanding durability and resistance to chemicals together with providing a great look to the paint.
Apply the activator onto clean, dry and degreased surface spreading it carefully with an applicator in one direction and crosswise afterwards. Gently wipe with a microfibre cloth and leave for ~30 minutes. Then apply the Titanium Coat with the applicator spreading it the same way as activator. Leave for 5-10 minutes allowing for cross-linking. Afterwards buff the surface using microfibre cloths until it becomes streak free and leave for 3 hours for self-hardening. To get best results with one activator layer you can apply 2-3 layers of Titanium Coat. Leave the car for 12-24 hours in a warm and dry place after putting the last layer of coating on.
The composition of the set:
1 pc. Bottle of 50 ml Tenzi T1 Coat
1 pc. Bottle of 50 ml Tenzi T1 Activator
1 pc. Precision applicator 8 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm
1 pc. Soft cloth 10x10 cm
1 pc. Microfiber 190, 38x38 cm
Mikrofibra 190 gr 38x38 cm
What you need to know:
We apply the activator only once before the first layer of coating. Its curing time is 0.5 hours. and we can apply the first layer. Next every 3 hours At the very